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Fuel Economy Deutsch

Fuel Economy: The Complete Guide to Saving Money on Gas

What is Fuel Economy?

Fuel economy is a measure of how far your vehicle can travel on a gallon of gas. It is expressed in miles per gallon (mpg). The higher the mpg, the more fuel-efficient your vehicle is.

How to Improve Fuel Economy

There are many things you can do to improve your fuel economy, including:

  • Drive less. The less you drive, the less gas you will use.
  • Combine errands. Instead of making multiple trips, try to combine errands into one trip.
  • Avoid idling. Idling your car uses gas even though you are not moving.
  • Accelerate and brake gradually. Jackrabbit starts and hard braking can both waste gas.

The Benefits of Fuel Economy

There are many benefits to improving your fuel economy, including:

  • Save money. The less gas you use, the more money you will save at the pump.
  • Reduce your environmental impact. Burning less gas produces fewer emissions, which helps to protect the environment.
  • Improve your vehicle's performance. A well-maintained vehicle with good fuel economy will perform better and last longer.


Improving your fuel economy is a smart way to save money, reduce your environmental impact, and improve your vehicle's performance. With a little effort, you can make a big difference.
