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Subduing The Wild For Victory

Chen, the Forest's Master in Dota 2

Subduing the Wild for Victory

In the vast and unforgiving realm of Dota 2, Chen stands out as a unique and formidable hero. His ability to convert the creatures of the forest to his cause grants him unparalleled control over the battlefield, allowing him to lead his makeshift armies to aid his team in achieving victory.

Chen's primary role is that of a support hero, providing his teammates with vision, crowd control, and area damage. His Penetrating Creeps ability allows him to capture and dominate neutral creeps, bestowing upon them enhanced abilities and granting him additional units for his army.

Harnessing the Power of the Forest

To maximize Chen's effectiveness, players must learn to master the art of creep management. This involves choosing the right creeps to capture, positioning them strategically during fights, and utilizing their abilities to complement his team's strengths. As Chen's level increases, he gains access to more powerful creeps, allowing him to adapt his army to the ever-changing needs of the game.

Additionally, Chen's Penitence ability can be a game-changer in team fights. This aura reduces the magical resistance of enemy units, making them more vulnerable to magical damage from both Chen and his allies. Proper positioning and coordination are essential for getting the most out of this ability.


Chen is a demanding hero with a high skill ceiling, but in the right hands, he can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. By mastering the art of creature conversion, positioning, and aura management, players can unlock Chen's true potential as a master of the forest and a formidable ally in Dota 2.
